481 East Westfield Avenue. Roselle Park, NJ, 07204

The Best Wedding Venues in New Jersey, New York, and Beyond-

Discover the Perfect Places for Your Special Day

The Madison Hotel - Bridal and groom first kiss

We have been blessed to visit the top venues in the state as wedding photographers, and wedding videographers, we have compiled this list of venues in New Jersey, New York, and other parts of the United States and abroad to help you with your search.

We’ve got everything from elegant ballrooms and charming mansions to beautiful waterfront settings and rustic locations. 

Each of these locations holds a unique charm, ready to make your special day even more magical. 

Let’s find a spot that fits your vibe and immerse yourself in these locations and galleries.

Let the beauty of these venues guide you towards your dream wedding setting!-

New Jersey Ballrooms Wedding Venues

New York Skyline Wedding Venues

Rustic Wedding Venues

The Loft Jack Barns
Photographer and Videographer
olde mill inn
Photographer and Videographer

Country Club Venues

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